
project - PMable.co

Micro-Management: The Kryptonite of Effective Project Delivery

We strongly believe that micro-management is the kryptonite of effective project management. As a leading agency specializing in project management, training, and consultancy, we’ve witnessed firsthand how this leadership approach can cripple even the most promising initiatives. What is Micro-Management? Micro-management, in the context of project delivery, refers to the excessive control and close supervision...

The Intersection of AI in Project Management: A Pmable Perspective 2024

As Project Management professionals, we’re constantly striving for innovation and improvement. New technologies, like artificial intelligence (AI), are rapidly changing the landscape of various industries, and project management is no exception. At Pmable, we believe AI presents a unique opportunity to augment our capabilities, enhance efficiency, and unlock new possibilities in the way we manage...

Understanding the Essence of Project Management

Management in general  Management is a bit like being the conductor of an orchestra. Just as a conductor leads a diverse group of musicians to create harmonious music, management involves guiding a team towards achieving common goals in an efficient and effective way. At its core, management is about setting objectives, planning how to reach...