
Articles - PMable.co

Rëndësia e Menaxhimit Te Projektit dhe Procesit të Staff Leasing

Rëndësia e Menaxhimit te Projektit  Menaxhimi I projektIT është procesi i planifikimit, organizimit dhe menaxhimit të burimeve për të arritur qëllime të caktuara brenda afateve kohore dhe buxheteve të caktuara. Rëndësia e projekt menaxhimit qëndron në aftësinë e tij për të strukturuar proceset, për të minimizuar rreziqet dhe për të siguruar që projektet të përfundojnë...

Project management: Inovacionet me Metodologjinë P3.Express

Konferencën e project management Më 13 nëntor 2024, PMable do të organizojë një konferencë të veçantë për të prezantuar inovacionet në “project management” duke përdorur metodologjinë P3.Express. Ky event do të zhvillohet në Tiranë dhe synon të bashkojë profesionistë të fushës nga B2B dhe B2C për të ndarë njohuritë dhe praktikat më të mira. Tema...

Project Management Brand Registration: A Landmark for PMable

PMable has reached a significant milestone in its journey by becoming an officially registered brand. This achievement in project management brand registration underscores our dedication to delivering exceptional project management services. The Importance of Brand Registration in Project Management The process of brand registration carries immense importance, extending far beyond mere legal formalities. It represents...

Essential PM Training Programs for B2C Business Growth

In the dynamic world of B2C businesses, effective project management is crucial for driving growth and ensuring customer satisfaction. Investing in comprehensive project management (PM) training programs can equip your team with the skills and knowledge needed to manage projects efficiently and achieve business objectives. At PMable, we offer specialized PM training programs designed to...

Project Management Tools and Techniques for B2B Success

In today’s competitive business environment, effective project management is crucial for B2B companies. Implementing the right project management tools and techniques can significantly enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and ensure successful project completion. At PMable, we specialize in delivering project management solutions tailored to the unique needs of B2B organizations. In this article, we explore essential...

Project Management Training for B2C Businesses

Project management is a critical component of success for business-to-consumer (B2C) companies. With the ever-changing market dynamics and consumer demands, B2C businesses must ensure that their projects are managed efficiently and effectively. At PMable, we specialize in providing comprehensive project management training for B2C businesses, helping them to enhance their project outcomes and achieve their...

Project Management Strategies for B2B Companies in 2024

In the fast-paced world of business-to-business (B2B) services, effective project management is crucial for success. As we move into 2024, the landscape of project management is evolving, presenting new challenges and opportunities for B2B companies. At PMable, we specialize in project management, training, and consultancy, helping organizations streamline their processes and achieve their goals. In...

Svantaggi della Micro-management: Un’Analisi Approfondita

Micro-management, minare la Fiducia e l’Autonomia dei Dipendenti Micro-management può minare la fiducia e l’autonomia dei dipendenti. Quando i manager controllano costantemente ogni minimo dettaglio del lavoro dei loro subordinati, i dipendenti possono sentirsi svalutati e demotivati. Questo può portare a una diminuzione dell’impegno e della soddisfazione lavorativa, con conseguente calo della produttività e della...

Project Manager: The Key to Unlocking Project Success

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, where organizations are constantly striving to stay ahead of the competition, effective project management has become a critical component of success. At the heart of every successful project lies a skilled and experienced project manager, responsible for orchestrating the intricate moving parts and ensuring that goals are achieved within the...