
to your success

Our consultants are committed to the success, using their leadership skills, experience, and objectivity to identify risks and pitfalls and ensure your project goals align with your strategy.



We have diverse industry experience to bring the right mix of knowledge, tools and techniques to each project, consultancy or trainings, to provide all our clients with successful results

Operational excellence

& Goals oriented

We do help you execute that plan, strategies and synergy of all employees to reach your project goals quickly and efficiently.  Our team it is a compound of professional experts



Project Management

PM Training B2B & B2C

Fills the project management knowledge gap between team members and provides a consistent approach

PM Consultancy

We have the unique ability to provide PM consulting solutions they need to achieve your project goals

Staff Leasing

Our consultants are committed to the success, seamlessly integrate into your teams, using their leadership skills


to the success

Our PMable approach it doesn’t consist in just handing you a plan, a training or staff leasing and walk away. We do help you execute that plan, strategies and synergy of all employees to reach your project goals quickly and efficiently.

Our consultants are committed to the success, seamlessly integrate into your teams, using their leadership skills, experience, and objectivity to identify risks and pitfalls and ensure your project goals align with your strategy. PMable will help you turn your project idea into an actionable plan, with the processes and tools you need to accomplish your goals and sustain performance even after our work is complete.

  • PM Training for B2B
  • PM Training for B2C
  • PM Consultancy for companies
  • PM Consultancy for individuals
  • PM Staff Leasing



Our team it is a compound of professional experts that fully understand challenges of current changing business world
Our consultants are committed to the success, seamlessly integrate into your teams, using their leadership skills
We have diverse industry experience to bring the right mix of knowledge to provide all our clients with successful results
We do help you execute that plan, strategies and synergy of all employees to reach your project goals quickly and efficiently
We have the unique ability and responsibility to provide PM consulting solution to achieve new business heights
We have the approach and integrity that fundamental information strategies will remain only on your disposal


PMable is proud to collaborate with CONFINDUSTRIA, the leading association of Italian manufacturing and service companies, to provide innovative and customized solutions for project management.



Our approach it doesn’t consist in just handing you a plan, a training or staff leasing and walk away.



Gantt Chart
Gantt Chart: An Essential Tool for Project Management
A Gantt chart is a popular and essential tool used in project management to visualize and organize the timeline of a project. Named after Henry L. Gantt, who created it in the early 1900s, the Gantt chart helps project managers plan, schedule, and monitor the progress of individual tasks over a given period. Its clear...
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ChatGPT e l’Impatto sul Project Management
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Risk Management
Effective Risk Management Strategies in B2B Project Management
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Çfarë është një plan biznesi
Çfarë është një plan biznesi?
Çfarë është një plan biznesi: Një planbiznesi është një dokument strategjik që përshkruan qëllimet, strategjitë dhe strukturën operacionale të një biznesi. Është një mjet i rëndësishëm që ndihmon bizneset të përshkojnë një udhërrëfyes të qartë drejt suksesit. Në PMable, ne besojmë se një plan-biznesi i mirë përgatitur është çelësi për zhvillimin e qëndrueshëm dhe për...
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Hartimi i Një Projekti
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